Logo BsGW. Belastingsamenwerking Gemeenten en WaterschappenLogo BsGW. Belastingsamenwerking Gemeenten en Waterschappen

Why have I received an additional parking tax (parking fine)?

You pay parking tax for parking your vehicle. The municipality has determined the locations where you must pay parking tax. You can either pay at the parking meter or on your telephone.

Did you fail to pay or did you not pay enough?

Have you parked in a space where you are liable to pay parking tax? Did you fail to pay or did you not pay enough? You may receive an additional charge (parking ticket). A parking warden will leave this ticket on your windscreen. Or you may receive it by post at your home address. If you receive a ticket on your windscreen, you will also receive a copy of the charge by post.


An additional charge consists of two parts. You pay any underpaid parking tax and you also pay the costs of the additional charge.

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