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What to do when you move house?

You do not need to inform us of a change of address. We automatically receive notification of this from your municipality. This happens after you have registered with the municipality at your new address.

Your assessment

Depending on your situation, the amount of tax you need to pay may be reduced. If your move has implications on the amount on your tax bill, we will always inform you automatically.

Moving house within the same municipality

You continue to live in the same municipality. This has no implications on your tax bill. This year, you pay the tax for your old address. You received this at the beginning of the year. From the following year, you will receive an assessment for your new address.

Moving to another municipality or abroad

You are moving to another municipality. Different tax rates apply in this municipality. This means that we reduce the taxes for your old address. We will send you a notification of this by post. You will then receive a new tax bill in your new municipality. Here, you pay for the months following your move.

If you continue to live in Limburg, you will not receive a reduction for the water board levies. These are the same throughout Limburg.

Moving in with someone else

We will reduce the taxes for your old address. You will receive a letter about this by post. You will receive this letter within a few weeks.

Other situations

Is the change in your living situation not included above? And would you like more information? Please contact us by telephone.

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